Captain's Blog (2020) #20

Captain’s Blog No 20, (14.01.21) - New Year 2021

To all Pryors Hayes members,

So, it is not the new year we all hoped for but nevertheless please accept my best wishes for 2021. Surely things will get better soon! On the few days post-Christmas that the course was open before the latest lockdown, demand for tee times was extremely high which just emphasizes how much access to the golf course is valued by everyone. Despite the best efforts of England Golf and others it does not seem likely that the course will be open anytime soon. If I can find any positives in the situation at least the course is being spared damage while so wet which will hopefully improve the golfing experience for the rest of the year (I am clutching at straws here!).

On an incredibly sad note, Wilf Mahon passed away on January 2nd. Wilf was a founder member and an absolute stalwart of the club. He was a lovely man; he always had a cheery remark or an amusing anecdote to share. He played regularly in the Wednesday and Saturday competitions and with the seniors. He will be greatly missed and very fondly remembered at the club. RIP Wilf.

While unable to play, my thoughts have been turning to the spring and the coming golf season. It was great to get details of Gordon’s away weekend planned for June. This was fully subscribed in no time, again illustrating the vitality of the club and promises a great year for Gordon’s Captaincy. It also highlighted that the end of my year as Captain is approaching. Certainly, it has not been the year I envisaged but it has been memorable! While clearly the year has been dominated by the dreadful pandemic hopefully golf related events have provided some positive memories.

It’s not clear how things will pan out over the next couple of months but it if pandemic/lockdown rules allow golf to resume it would be nice to have some event to close out the Captaincy year. Watch this space.

Away from golf, what on earth has everybody been doing to get through the lockdown? For Isabelle and me our impending house move is dominating everything. Contracts have been exchanged (there is no going back now!), completion is on the January 29th. So, our days are full of sorting, packing and discarding!

So far anything associated with house moving is allowed during lockdown and I have just returned from my 10th trip to the recycling centre (the tip). We have arranged to rent a house in Dunham on the Hill for 3 months (thanks to Steve Wynne for putting us in contact with the owners), so we should not be homeless. Meanwhile we continue to look for our next house.

All things considered; I think we are lucky to have something definite to focus on.

Despite the present gloom, I hope everyone can look forward to better times. 

Stay safe

Captain's Blog (2020) #19

Captain’s Blog No 19, (22.12.20) - Christmas 2020

To all Pryors Hayes members,

Firstly, can I take this opportunity to wish you and your families a happy, peaceful, and healthy Christmas and hopefully look forward to a better year in 2021. It has been a difficult and worrying year for everyone and the immediate prospects seem gloomy but hopefully with the roll out of the vaccine we can gradually return to more normal times reasonably soon.

Throughout the pandemic the golf course has been something of a haven, providing a few hours when all we have to worry about is a sliced drive or a missed putt. Since the club reopened after the second lock down the course has been very heavily used indicating many members greatly value the opportunity to get out to play and meet up with friends even if conditions are not ideal! Hopefully, weather and Covid permitting, we can all continue to enjoy the freedom of the course in the coming weeks. 

Since lock down 2 I have only managed a couple of rounds which despite the mud were therapeutic. I am always amazed by the scoring in winter conditions. I am pleased if I can muster 30pts whereas many people manage 40 plus! Last weekend Kev Fairclough achieved 45, quite extraordinary!! Congratulations to him and other winners in recent weeks.

A significant feature of recent golf has been the introduction of the World Handicap System. It takes a bit of getting your head round. As a bit of a ‘numbers geek’ I have enjoyed working through all the figures and, with the help of a spreadsheet I have constructed to aid my understanding, I think I have got to grips with it. I’m sure by the time we get back to qualifying competitions in the spring it will be second nature to everyone.

On the domestic front, our house sale appears to be progressing at speed so we will probably be moving out towards the end of January. Isabelle and I have been very grateful for the valiant efforts of the ladies’ section to find the ideal house for us. Please keep sending suggestions, I’m sure the right property will come up soon.

So, even in the present climate, I sincerely hope everyone has an enjoyable Christmas and I look forward to seeing you on the course in the coming weeks.

Nadolig Llawen
Stay safe

Captain's Blog (2020) #18

Captain’s Blog No 18, (27.11.20)

Dear Members,

I am writing this on a glorious winter’s morning, clear blue skies and bright sunshine which comes as a welcome relief from the rather grey days that we have endured for much of the last 3 weeks. As I mentioned in my last blog, I am not the most enthusiastic winter golfer but even I would be keen to get out on the course on a day like this. 

In the absence of golf I have had to revert to jogging (I used to run, now I jog!), I have managed 5k 3 or 4 times a week during lockdown, which is at least helping to keep me sane. I have found the lockdown more difficult this time around and am relieved that the restrictions will be eased next week. 

No doubt everyone is looking forward to getting back on the course next week, I understand the club is sending out details today. My jogging routes include sections on footpaths across fields which are all extremely muddy so I wonder how wet the golf course will be. It will be great to have the opportunity to find out. The competition committees are busily redrawing the winter schedules, it will be interesting to see if the increase in numbers we experienced throughout the summer is replicated in the winter competitions.

I wonder what everybody has been doing to keep busy in the lockdown. We chose a rather extreme option, we decided to sell our house! We have been planning to downsize for sometime, so we have taken the plunge. We spent 2 weeks decluttering, 4 trips to the tip and 2 to the charity shops. The house went on the market on Monday Nov 9th, we had 3 viewings on the Thursday, 2 of 3 wanted to buy, we accepted an offer on the Friday. Wow!  

Obviously, there are still lots of hurdles to clear but the legal process is underway. We have started to look for somewhere else to live (3 bedrooms, small garden, garage in this locality) but have not found the ideal property yet. So, we may be homeless in the new year! If anyone in the Barrow, Ashton, Kelsall, Tarvin, Tarporley areas would like to sell (or knows of someone planning to sell) please let us know.

Now is the time to start preparing for winter golf; hats, gloves, warm jumpers, water proofs, umbrellas, winter shoes at the ready. I can’t wait! 

Hope to see on the course in the coming weeks.

Stay safe

Captain's Blog (2020) #17

Captain’s Blog No 17, (05.11.20)

Dear Members

I am writing this on the first day of the 2nd lockdown. Despite vigorous representation from Golf England and others, golf has not been spared so the club and course are totally closed for at least 4 weeks. This is very disappointing and I know many of you will miss all aspects of the golfing experience. I have to admit that I am not the most ardent winter golfer but I suspect that after this period of enforced abstinence (however long it turns out to be) I will return with renewed enthusiasm!

The lockdown coincides with the official end of our summer competition season so this is a good point to reflect on what (for me at least) has been a memorable few months. The pandemic has of course cast a dark shadow on everyone’s life but golf has provided much needed relief. From the outset at the end of the 1st lockdown the enthusiasm for golf and PHGC was obvious as existing and many new members flocked to the course. Blessed with good weather and a well presented course there was a real buzz about the club.  
This has been maintained throughout the summer, the club and course have been very well used all year.

Competitions organised by the men, ladies and senior sections have been very well supported. In particular, the numbers playing in the men’s Saturday and Wednesday comps have soared. Charity events, away days etc have all been very well supported. 

It has been a real pleasure to be Captain, I have been uplifted by the overwhelming goodwill and positivity of members directed both personally to me and more generally to the club. This has been amplified by the amazing generosity towards my charity (to date your support has raised over £6000). Thank you!

Perhaps in future blogs I will reflect further on some of the many highlights of my year so far (particularly if the lockdown persists) but for today I just want to comment on the Presentation Event last Saturday.  

As we were unable to hold a presentation evening it was a great idea to hold this event so we could celebrate and acknowledge the success of the main competition winners. The weather did its bests to disrupt things but 73 very hardy souls defied the elements and took part, not surprisingly the scoring was generally modest. 

Congratulations to Steve Wynne for the best score of the day (36pts) even being out first and probably enduring the worst of the weather. Despite the weather and the limitations imposed by the Covid restrictions there was a very positive mood, it was a welcome opportunity to thank those who have supported the competition programme all summer and a fitting way to end the season.

This week’s introduction of the new world handicapping system is something to think about during lockdown. I believe most members have now been allocated new handicaps but I also understand that in many cases these are be incorrect! Hopefully before we play again this will be sorted out and everybody will understand how it works. 

Look after yourselves during lockdown, stay active and stay safe.